Lindsay Bell Brown
Press & Media

"Lindsay Bell’s vibrant choreography, executed with flair, would make original Brigadoon choreographer Agnes De Mille proud." - Aaron Krause
"But the unsung heroine of the production is Lindsay Bell’s choreography. Brigadoon followed close on Agnes DeMille’s acclaimed work on Oklahoma and Carousel, both of which featured a character-revealing ballet. So the producers gave DeMille free rein to create in this show, dances that were evocative but would seem a bit too prolific for a 21st Century audience that just wants to narrative drive to carry on.
But Bell, a dancer who stands out in any ensemble, is equal to the challenge with frequent interludes of spirited faux folk dancing melded with ballet moves, lifts and Broadway chorus line tropes. Her two finest moments are when dancers Steven Del Col and Daniella Tamasi stand in for Charlie and Jean separated before their wedding singing of their love in the lilting “Come to Me, Bend to Me.” The second is an Martha Graham-like solo exquisitely executed by Elizabeth Troxler as Maggie who mourns his death. No matter the rest of the season, go to the bank that Bell will have a Carbonell nomination a year hence."
- Bill Hirschman
Florida Theatre On Stage
More Than One Kind of Miracle: The Wick’s Lovely Brigadoon
"...choreographed with exultant beauty by Lindsay Bell" - Christine Dolen

...the explosive execution by the Newsies’ ensemble was exemplary for its energy, enthusiasm and passion. It might not be fair to single out one person in that ensemble but Lindsay Bell, who has also been choreographing local shows as well, simply glows with her exuberance and knife-sharp movement while she stays in character and acts throughout.
-Bill Hirschman
Florida Theatre On Stage
Newsies at the Maltz Jupiter Theatre

"Fiddlehead's West Side Story...."
"The Jet's fire up at the dance, however, and the 'Dance at the Gym' offers some of the best choreography of the show. The dance is clean, exciting, and motivated and driven by the story and characters, with a stellar dance performance by Lindsay Bell's Graziella, Riff's girlfriend."
-Brian Balduzzi
Arts Impulse-Reviews

"'Peter Pan' is high-flying entertainment for young and young at heart"
"Lindsay Bell is fetching and beautifully voiced as the poignant Wendy"
-Charolotte Libov
South Beach Culture and Events

"The Wick's Peter Pan Soars..."
"Lithesome Lindsay Bell, one of The Wick’s best dancers, is allowed to show she can sing and act as the winsome Wendy."
-Bill Hirschman
Florida Theatre On Stage

"Wick’s O-o-o-o-o-klahoma! Is Tuneful Mainstream Fairy Tale"
"Another highlight was the 15-minute dream ballet that Joerder choreographed based on Agnes de Mille’s original work. Depicting Laurey wrestling with her dilemma while asleep, the ballet involves the entire ensemble but features a fine Tommy Joscelyn as the Dream Curley and the always wonderful Lindsay Bell as the Dream Laurey. Bell’s assured fluid grace and her acting while she is dancing here, in the recent Swing! and other shows makes her stand out even in a chorus line."
-Bill Hirschman
Florida Theatre On Stage
"Rodgers and Hammerstein's classic Oklahoma! a bright golden haze at Wick Theatre"
"...but lead dancers in the "Dream Sequence" - Lindsay Bell (Dream Laurey) and Tommy Joscelyn (Dream Curly) are a highlight of Oklahoma!"
-Richard Cameron

"Wick’s Swing Is A High-Flying Enthusiastic Celebration Of Big Band Era’s Music And Dance"
"The lovely Lindsay Bell and knife-sharp Charles South are paired off in some of most outstanding moments of the show, but never better than in an elegant delicate pas de deux that melds en pointe ballet with modern dance in 'I’ll Be Seeing You.'”
-Bill Hirschman
Florida Theatre On Stage
"‘Swing!’ heats up Wick’s stage for second-season opener"
"...And the nostalgic ballad, “I’ll Be Seeing You” presents Paige singing while Lindsay Bell and Charles South do a Gene Kelly kind of ballet."
-Dale King
Palm Beach Arts Paper

"Concert Staging of 'Zorba!' innovative"
"...Cholerton also has hit on a wonderful narrative device to drive the storytelling. A voiceless character, a dancer (Lindsay Bell, who is also the production’s talented choreographer) guides Nikos and the audience through the chronological and emotional journey of the story. In less capable hands, this approach could be waterlogged in movement clichés, but Bell imbues this assignment with emotional intention and nuance."
-Mark Lynch
Palm Beach Daily News
Link: theater/concert-staging-of-zorba-innovative/ngQHg/

"Extreme Culture"
"You must keep your eye on Lindsay Bell. She's particularly enthralling in the Agnes deMille-ish motif in 'Forbidden Dreams'"
-Pam Harbaugh
Florida Today's Lifestyle

"Dancers dazzle at Brevard Ballet Premier"
"...There was one you could not keep your eyes off-Lindsay Bell.....Bell proved she was born to dance. She's got the technique, the artistic expression and the perfect dancer's attitude. Did she actually touch ground? Put wings on this young lady and she'll fly. Keep your eye on this rising star."
-Pam Harbaugh
Florida Today

"Brevard takes steps to enjoy 'the dance'"
"Lindsay Bell shows heartfelt expression in her performance of Petipa's classic 'The Dying Swan'"
-Pam Harbaugh
Florida Today's TGIF